Talking to Your Teen About Depression and AnxietyFeb 04, 2025Depression and anxiety are two mental health issues that are common among teens. Learning how to talk to your teen about them can give them the help they need to confront, and hopefully overcome, their problems.
5 Inflammatory Foods to Cut Out of Your DietJan 14, 2025The wrong diet can lead to an inflammatory response in your body that can become chronic over time. Learn which foods you should eliminate from your diet to decrease inflammation and promote good health.
New Options for Treating Postmenopausal DepressionDec 11, 2024If you’re living with postmenopausal depression, you may be prescribed antidepressants. Unfortunately, about one-third of patients are treatment-resistant, but new options have been developed that can help.
Why Am I Experiencing So Much Sadness After Having My Baby?Nov 08, 2024If you’ve just had a baby and you’re sad, just know this: You are not alone. Called postpartum depression, this condition affects many women after delivery. Here’s how we treat it.
How Do IV Ketamine Infusions Treat Migraine?Oct 08, 2024There are a lot of new things on the market to help people with migraine fend off attacks, but one up-and-coming treatment is just now making headway — IV ketamine. Here’s how it works.
The Link Between Depression and Being OverweightSep 18, 2024Though having depression and being overweight may seem like two distinct problems, there’s a bi-directional link that makes having one increase your risk for developing the other. We have the information you need here.
5 Ways to Support a Loved One with PTSDAug 07, 2024Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) begins following a traumatic event, and its effects can interfere with basic daily activities. Here are five ways you can support someone with PTSD, helping them through to recovery.
Understanding the Bi-Directional Relationship Between Depression and Chronic PainJul 18, 2024Which comes first: the pain or the anxiety and depression? It turns out that all three conditions influence one another. Understanding how they interact can be the key to effective treatment for all three.
Getting the Most Out of Ketamine Therapy for Mental Health: Exploring Integration CoachingJun 26, 2024 When it comes to improving mental health, many find that ketamine treatments open the door to profound change, but the magnitude and staying power of the results come through integration coaching.
Many Men with Depression Go Untreated; Here's Why You Shouldn't Jun 12, 2024It’s a sad fact, but many men with depression remain untreated because they don’t seek help. Keep reading to learn why and how to overcome any obstacles that may stand between you and getting the help you need.
The Promise of Semaglutide: Beyond Weight LossJun 07, 2024In a world constantly searching for the next breakthrough in health and wellness, Semaglutide has emerged as a beacon of hope.
Breaking the Stigma: Myths and Facts About Mental Illness (pegged to Mental Health Awareness Month)May 06, 2024Mental illness is a touchy subject, and one that comes with a lot of unproven — and even harmful — myths. Keep reading to find out more about the myths and the facts that debunk them.
Why Identifying Your Migraine Triggers Is So ImportantApr 08, 2024If you struggle with migraine disease, it’s important to identify what triggers your attacks so that you can manage your symptoms. Learn more about some common triggers in this post.
5 Things Every Woman Should Know About Postpartum DepressionMar 01, 2024Postpartum depression develops in a subset of women who give birth and can be debilitating. Fortunately, though, there are treatments that can help. Keep reading to learn five things about this condition and what you can do about it.
Do I Have Depression, Anxiety, or Both?Feb 07, 2024Anxiety and depression are two different disorders, but they share some similar symptoms and often occur together. Here’s how you can tell which disorder you have and what the best treatment regimen is.
What You Should Know About Ketamine Infusion TherapyJan 25, 2024If you’re dealing with mental health issues or chronic pain and aren’t getting any relief with conventional antidepressants, ketamine infusion therapy might be right for you. Read on to learn about it.
Transforming Geriatric Mental Health: The Promise of IV Ketamine TreatmentJan 04, 2024Aging brings with it a host of physical changes, but the impact on mental health is equally significant. Geriatric mental health issues, ranging from depression and anxiety more
The Potential of IV Ketamine for Enhancing Adolescent Mental HealthJan 04, 2024Adolescence is a period of significant growth and change, both physically and emotionally. Conditions such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder can have a profound impact on the.. read more
Unlocking Relief: How IV Ketamine Therapy Provides Hope for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)..Nov 02, 2023Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a challenging condition characterized by intense, chronic pain that often defies conventional treatments. Amidst this landscape of persistent suffering, IV Ketamine Therapy emerges as.. read more..
Benefits of IV Ketamine and Oral Ketamine for Veterans in Mental Health TreatmentOct 20, 2023Veterans often face unique mental health challenges as a result of their service, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, and more. While traditional treatments like therapy and medication have more
Exploring the Benefits and Considerations of IV Ketamine Infusion Therapy for Mental HealthOct 07, 2023Introduction In recent years, the medical field has witnessed the emergence of exciting treatments for various mental health conditions. One such more
IV Ketamine Infusion Therapy: A Glimmer of Hope for Postpartum Depression TreatmentSep 22, 2023The journey into motherhood is often portrayed as a time of joy, bonding, and newfound purpose. However, for many women, the postpartum period can be marred more
A Hopeful Treatment: IV Ketamine Infusion for Treatment Resistant DepressionSep 03, 2023Depression, a mental health condition that affects millions worldwide, is often characterized by a persistent feeling more
Exploring the Potential of IV Ketamine Treatment for Autism Spectrum DisorderAug 22, 2023Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition characterized by a range of challenges in social more
Ketamine – A Hopeful TreatmentAug 14, 2023During the past few years there has been a significant demand for the drug ketamine to treat both mental health and certain chronic pain more